Online ISSN : 2185-8284
Print ISSN : 0386-2682
ISSN-L : 0386-2682
山田 勉吉村 信桜井 勇瀬木 和子根本 則道佐藤 末隆長田 宏已吉水 卓見中村 眞理五味 武一武岡 和仁斉藤 誠斉藤 敏三
ジャーナル フリー

1985 年 13 巻 3 号 p. 579-588


It was attempted during this study that coronary spasm in the same segments of the coronary arteries of swine was caused repeatedly by methacholine administration to elucidate whether or not vascular permeability might be accelerated in those segments. Immunohistochemistry with a use of anti-swine fibrinogen antibody revealed granular deposition of the reaction products in subendothelial areas of intima and infra-elastic space in the segments of the arteries, where arterial spasm was proven to appear by cineangiography and ECG. Electron microscopical study revealed more appearance of ferritin particles in subendothelial areas of the intima than that of control swine coronary arteries.
The results are as follows;
1. Pre-existence of some organic diseases such as arteriosclerosis in the coronary arteries may lead to higher incidence of coronary spasm. However, it may not always occur in the sclerotic segments but does so in the more distal nonsclerotic segments of the coronary arteries.
2. Repeated arterial spasm may lead to accelerate vascular permeability.
3. Vasospasm may be one of pathogenetic factors of coronary sclerosis.

© 一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
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