Nihon Daicho Komonbyo Gakkai Zasshi
Online ISSN : 1882-9619
Print ISSN : 0047-1801
ISSN-L : 0047-1801
A Case of Surgically Treated Rectovaginal Fistula Associated with Ulcerative Colitis
S. HanedaY. FunayamaK. FukushimaC. ShibataK. TakahashiA. HashimotoM. NagaoK. WatanabeK. KudoS. KobayashiH. NaitoI. Sasaki
Author information

2005 Volume 58 Issue 1 Pages 35-38


Rectovaginal fistula is uncommon complication in ulcerative colitis and the treatment is complicated. We herein report a surgically treated case of rectovaginal fistula associated with ulcerative colitis. Thirty-eight-year-old woman who experienced first attack of ulcerative colitis in 1989 when she was 25 years old. Three months after the flare-up of colitis in November 2001, she found the passage of flatus and feces from the vagina. She visited our hospital for the treatment of rectovaginal fistula. At the admission, colitis was in remission. With barium enema study, the fistula from the anterior wall of the rectum connecting with the vagina was identified. The staged surgical repair of the fistula without colectomy was planned. Transvaginal repair of the fistula and loop ileostomy was undertaken for the first step, and she underwent closure of ileostomy at the second step. At one year follow-up after closure of ileostomy, recurrence of fistula was not found. In conclusion, repair of fistula was of benefit to the case with rectovaginal fistula associated ulcerative colitis in remission.

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