Online ISSN : 1884-1155
Print ISSN : 0010-9355
ISSN-L : 0010-9355
福田 滋夫
ジャーナル フリー

1961 年 10 巻 8 号 p. 347-350


This is a report of a procedure adopted in designing the drainage system and other corrosion control provisions for a pipe line. The steps taken were as follows: (1) pipeline route was determined; (2) ground potentials along the route with reference to a fixed sufficiently remote ground potential were measured with recording instruments, and ground potential distribution profile of the route was obtained; (3) pipe-to-ground potential distribution along the route was anticipated according to the above cited ground potential distribution profile; (4) specifications for the pipe protective coating and covering, locations of drainage equipments and their current ratings were determined; (5) pipes and other necessary materials were prepared and installed; (6) after the pipe line construction work was completed the pipe-to-ground potential distribution profile was obtained to check the adequacy of the design. Thus the adequacy of the design was confirmed.

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