Online ISSN : 1884-1155
Print ISSN : 0010-9355
ISSN-L : 0010-9355
各種金属材料および防錆被覆の大気腐食に関する研究 (第1報)
(その5) 気象条件よりみた金属材料および防錆被覆の腐食
神山 恵三
ジャーナル フリー

1963 年 12 巻 2 号 p. 91-100


In the study course of atmospheric corrosion mechanisms, many new facts have been found related with the meteorological circumstances, namely temperature, humidity, precipitation, sunshine duration, sulphur dioxide and sea salt particles and so on.
Following seven places were selected as the representative locations for the domestic climate.
1) Pacific Coastal Districts: Makurazaki, Omaezaki.
Depending on the Corrosion Index, highest in sea salt amount, highest in sunshine duration.
These districts are the second to the industrial district and there have been observed some stripping of metallized coatings.
2) Japan-Sea Coastal District: Wazima.
Depending on the Corrosion Index, high in rain fall, high in humidity a fair amount of sea salt
This district is the second to the Pacific districts.
3) Inland Districts: Takayama, Obihiro.
Depending on the Corrosion Index, lowest in sea salt and sulphur dioxide.
The corrosion amount of metals and anticorrosive coatings are the smallest among the other districts.
4) Industrial Districts: Tokyo, Kawasaki.
Depending on the Corrosion Index, highest in sulphur dioxide, a fair amount of sea salt.
In these districts corrosion of metals is the highest among the other districts.

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