Online ISSN : 1884-1155
Print ISSN : 0010-9355
ISSN-L : 0010-9355
アミン類を主剤とする防食剤の研究 (第11報)
藤井 晴一荒牧 国次
ジャーナル フリー

1957 年 6 巻 6 号 p. 336-340


Corrosion inhibitors are consisting of two functional groups. The one is atomic group functionating as adsorbent, another is organic radicals extending forward to metal surface which resist the corrosive matters. Metals are protected from the penetration of corrosive materials by these barriers which are built up with the organic radicals. So the longer organic radicals, the better inhibition can be obtained. When oleyl radicals are contained in the inhibitor molecule, some corrosive materials are included in the closed spaces which are formed by the oleyl radical and the metal surface. Though the corrosion are proceeded rapidly in such closed spaces, when the corrosive materials enclosed there are exhausted, the corrosion reaction should be ceased. This means that corrosive materials from outer spaces can be shut out. The same phenomena can be expected when the two organic radicals of C9 inhibitor molecules are connected each other. However, C9 inhibitor molecule were unable to give the same result. So, we can conclude that there are spaces through which oxygen, as chief corrosive in salted water, can penetrate.
Diamine-type inhibitors can not be adsorbed on metal surfaces in spite of two adsorbent radicals.

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