Online ISSN : 1884-1155
Print ISSN : 0010-9355
塗膜下腐食の研究 (第2報)
田辺 弘往篠原 稔雄佐藤 靖新居 博星野 稔伊丹 慶輔
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 29 巻 6 号 p. 290-296


Anticorrosive properties of inorganic zinc rich paints were investigated in 3wt% NaCl solution using current interrupter method. Dissolution rate of zinc involved in zinc rich paints was measured to investigate protective properties. Polarization resistance which depends mainly on the dissolution of zinc was constant within the range of 5mV polarization potential. It was found that the amount of white product which was caused by zinc dissolution was related to the magnitude of polarization resistance of steel coated with zinc rich paints. It was also found that the coated steel of which polarization resistance was of the order of 102Ω to 103Ω had potential of about -1000mV (vs. SCE) and the one of which polarization resistance was about 104Ω had more noble potential of about -1000mV to about -600mV. Measurement of the dissolution rate of zinc involved in zinc rich paints using current interrupter method was helpful for investigation and formulation of protective zinc rich paints.

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