Online ISSN : 1347-5606
Print ISSN : 0915-2695
ISSN-L : 0915-2695
篠原 健介浅野 哲弘前田 和茂布施 好史森谷 史朗高田 真一廣瀬 拓司前原 孝横山 良樹生熊 久敬高田 敏也
ジャーナル 認証あり

2010 年 22 巻 2 号 p. 329-332


We describe about antimicrobial prophylaxis (AMP) for lumbar spine surgery without instrumentation.
We evaluated 180 patients (119 males, 61 females) who had undergone the lumbar spine surgery without instrumentation. They were divided into two groups: group A, who were given AMP for two days after surgery, and group B, who were given AMP on the day of surgery. Cefazolin sodium was used for AMP.
WBC, CRP, body temperature and the incidence of surgical site infection (SSI) were evaluated.
The CRP level increased from 0.23mg/dl before surgery to 1.24mg/dl one week after surgery in group A, and similarly increased from 0.29mg/dl to 1.23mg/dl in group B.
WBC increased from 7,068/μl to 7,950/μl in group A, and decreased from 7,175/μl to 7,064/μl in group B. Body temperature increased from 35.9°C to 36.1°C in group A, and from 35.8°C to 36.2°C in group B. There was one case of SSI, in group A. None of the examined.
Parameters showed any significant difference between the groups.
These results suggest that administration of AMP on the day of surgery provides sufficient prophylaxis for lumbar spinal surgery.

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