Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture
Online ISSN : 1880-3024
Print ISSN : 1880-3016
ISSN-L : 1880-3016
Relative Value of Agricultural Biodiversity on Diversified Farms: A Case Study in Donjaedee District, Suphanburi Province, Central Thailand
Suthamma Maneepitak
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 2 巻 2 号 p. 86-91


Agricultural biodiversity (“agrobiodiversity”) includes all components of biological diversity of relevance to food and agriculture. Agrobiodiversity provides many goods and services of environmental, economic, and social importance and makes important contributions to sustainable livelihoods. However, its importance has received little attention from farmers and government in Thailand. To encourage conservation, it is necessary to understand the local value of agrobiodiversity. This study was carried out during April to August 2007 to assess the value of agrobiodiversity on diversified farms in Donjaedee district, Suphanburi province, central Thailand. Data were collected through interviews and field observations with 10 farming families. The value of agrobiodiversity to farmers was estimated in terms of food, income, household materials, and medicinal use. The results showed that agrobiodiversity provides 33% of household food; two farming families earned 5,300baht/year (151US dollars/year) from aquatic animals; medicinal plants saved 1,000baht/year/person (29US dollars/year/person) in medical expenses; and several bamboo and wood products were made from local resources. Besides restoring agrobiodiversity, diversified farming also helps to improve livelihoods through cost reduction, supporting self-reliance, in comparison with monoculture farming. However, the current use of agrobiodiversity is lower than its potential because many farmers do not appreciate its value. Therefore, it is necessary to promote public and private support to raise awareness of the importance of agrobiodiversity, conservation, and sustainable use.

© 2007 by Agricultural and Forestry Research Center, University of Tsukuba
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