Online ISSN : 2432-4493
Print ISSN : 1340-6248
矢野 美納子松岡 英美高橋 啓子若林 始松本 光吉
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 16 巻 1 号 p. 15-19


Abstract : Recently, calcium hydroxide has been generally used as an intracanal dressing. However, the placement of calcium hydroxide into the root canal has some difficulties. This study was carried out to compared the four placement techniques of calcium hydroxide as well as its removal from the root canal.

 Extracted single-rooted human teeth, which were instrumented up to #40 K-file, were used in this study. Barium sulfate was used in place of calcium hydroxide for assessment with X-ray. The powder mixed with saline was introduced into the root canal with one of the following techniques : a lentulo spiral, a counterclockwise-rotating K-file and a cotton broach, as well as an apical plugger in cases of powder dressing. After the X-ray examination, the dressings were removed by alternative irrigation with 8% NaOCl and 3% H2O2, with the aid of ultrasonics when necessary. The assessment of placement and removal was performed by dental X-ray examination.

 Satisfactory placement of the dressing on the apical portion was observed with the technique of a lentulo spiral, but it was poor with a cotton broach and apical plugger. Removal of the dreesing was acceptable in 60% of cases when both irrigation and ultrasonics were used. In some cases, a small amount of dressing remained near the apical seat.

© 1995 日本歯内療法学会
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