Online ISSN : 2432-4493
Print ISSN : 1340-6248
Reamer, File操作考 (そのⅡ)
―上顎前歯部の理想的Reaming Manner―
成田 益夫
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 17 巻 2 号 p. 190-196


Abstract : Not only from such modern sciences and technologies as myophysiological dynamics, geophysics, environmental science, energy-saving technology and Human Factor’s Engineering viewpoints, but also from our traditional art and cultural heritage point of view, an ultimate Reaming Maneuver was sought out and discussed by this second article in this series.

 Attempts were made to clarify following topics :

 1) Hand Reamer’s Grips were classified into three main types and two of which were further subclassified, and short but suitable nomenclatures were tentatively given to each type for the convenience of the readers to make more accurate and precise explanations and discussions possible in this series hereinafter.

 2) The root and origin of the Hand Reamer was hunted after among our traditional hand tools and instruments which are still in popular use today. Simple, natural, and routine usage of the original tool offers a good hint to deduce the most natural and rational Reamer’s Grip and the most logical and efficient Reaming Maneuver to the treatment region concerned

 3) (a) The operator’s (Endodontist’s) best Home Position

   (b) The least stress affected and the best balanced and the stablest patient’s posture during treatment

   (c) The most rational posture-position interrelationships between operator (Endodontist) vs patient during treatment

   Those three important topics (a), (b), (c) were clearly commented and courteously discussed by Dr. Daryl R. Beach’s excellent logical F1, F2, F3 concept.

 4) The above mentioned topics 1), 2), 3) and how to perform an ideal Reaming Maneuver into the Maxillary Anterior Teeth Root Canals with the best Reamer’s Grip under the most logical and rational F1-F2-F3 interrelationships were displayed by fifteen clear, concrete and didactic Illustrations.

 Before closing, a New Vogue Phrase “Reaming Manner” made her first debut in the Endodontic Society. Hope she may add a decent flaver and exquisiteness to the Society !

© 1996 日本歯内療法学会
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