Online ISSN : 2432-4493
Print ISSN : 1340-6248
―第2報 : 根尖孔の大きさが及ぼす影響について―
畑 良明畑 宏幸仲屋 俊夫佐々木 ミッシェル佐々木 八郎
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 18 巻 2 号 p. 114-118


Abstract : On the precedent report, the authors pointed that the obturation technique by Obturation gutta with NT condenser was good ability for seal apical foramen. With this Obturation gutta is apt to become over obturation when the narrow part of the apical foramen is above #35.

 The purpose of this study was to investigate the root canal obturation depending on Obturation gutta with NT condenser an influence for sealing ability and size of apical foramen.

 The materials were seventy-seven mandibular incisors extracted teeth which were devided into three groups.

 Group 1 : #15 apical foramen, moreover as were endodontically prepared at working length (1 mm short of the apex) to a #50 file (apical seat).

 Group 2 : #30 apical foramen, moreover as instrumented for apical seat of #70.

 Group 3 : The teeth had #40 apical foramen, moreover as prepared for apical seat of #80.

 We filled these standardized root canal with the automated thermatic condensation technique depend on Obturation gutta and NT condenser, then immersed in the India ink. The distance of the dye penetration was measured from apex of the root.

 The results were as follows :

 1. The mean value of ink penetration. Group 1 : 0.68 mm. Group 2 : 1.05 mm. Group 3 : 0.78 mm. There was no statistically difference between the groups with result of Mann-Whitney U-test.

 2. Group 1 : no penetration of dye from apex of the root was 63.0%. Group 2 and group 3 were 68.0%.

 3. The evaluation of this technique was good sealing ability for apical seal by two-way analysis (test for the proportion).

 4. This technique was imagined the rate of over filling from apical foramen and size.

 5. By the test of the curve of life (generalized Wilcoxon test) used to assess the effect of treatment. No statistically significant differences were observed among 3 groups. But, group 1 was a little superior from others.

© 1997 日本歯内療法学会
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