Online ISSN : 2432-4493
Print ISSN : 1340-6248
小塚 昌宏辻本 恭久山崎 宗与
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 19 巻 1 号 p. 31-37


Abstract : Root canal irrigants, smear layer removal agents and/or fluorides were applied to the smear layers that were produced after filing of human root canal walls’. Permeability was studied by the dye penetration test. Surface structure of root canal dentin was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM).

 The following results were obtained :

 1) In root canal irrigants, NaClO was ineffective to remove the smear layer, however, Tubulicid Plus, EDTA and EDTA-NaClO-H2O2 were effective to remove smear layer on the SEM observation. All irrigants except Tubulicid Plus enhanced dye penetration.

 2) In smear layer removal agents, Dentin Conditioner, Tubulicid Blue and Tubulicid Red were ineffective to remove the smear layer on the SEM observation. Tubulicid Blue enhanced dye penetration, however, Dentin Conditioner and Tubulicid Red reduced it.

 3) Application of SnF2 or Dentin Conditioner with SnF2 to the smear layer did not remove it. Dentin Conditioner with SnF2 was most effective to reduce dye penetration, however, dye penetration was not reduced by SnF2.

 Therefore, considering the three dimensional obturation after root canal preparation, irrigation of EDTA-NaClO-H2O2 is useful for clinical procedure. On the other hand, Dentin Conditioner with SnF2 is useful for dentin-chips filling method.

© 1998 日本歯内療法学会
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