Journal of Equine Science
Online ISSN : 1347-7501
Print ISSN : 1340-3516
ISSN-L : 1340-3516
A Study of Exterior View of the Human Body on Riding Positions -Analysis for Designing of Equestrian Jackets-
Author information

1995 Volume 6 Issue 4 Pages 127-134


In this paper, as an indicator of designing of the equestrian jacket or coat, the exterior lateral view of the superior human body during representative riding positions including on the static horseback model with saddle were analysed by the film researching accompanied the dermagraph method and the fuse method. The selected subject was a Japanese adult woman of normal body size with riding experience. And, comparative study was made of the same posture and actions on the dressage saddle·racing saddle·side-saddle, and furthermore, standing on the floor and sitting on a stool. As a result, it was found that basically riding styles on the dressage saddle resembled the various standing positions and it was easy to assume including a natural lumbar lordosis but, in the forward seat position, degree of the lumbar lordosis decreased. Similarly, the positions in the racing saddle resembled that of sitting on a stool, and in the side-saddle the state between standing and sitting styles. Thus, it was ascertained that in designing equestrian costume, it was suggested that strong demands be made respectively for a follow-up mechanism to the extension of upper limbs and dorsal region for the jockey seat, furthermore for adaptation to the smoothly coping with the return to halt position for the jumping, and the adaptation to the gentle shape of the vertebral curve and right and left asymmetry shape for the side-saddle position, and the adaptation to the extension of the vertebral column (lordosis of the lumbar spine), the holding of forward lifting of the thorax and the refraining from excessive movement of the shoulder girdle for the dressage.

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