Online ISSN : 2185-5293
Print ISSN : 1343-4616
ISSN-L : 1343-4616
藤田 壽憲渡嘉敷 ルイス石井 良和香川 利春
ジャーナル フリー

1998 年 29 巻 4 号 p. 87-94


To drive a pneumatic cylinder the meter-out circuit is ordinarily utilized. However up to now, dynamic characteristics of cylinder system have not been analyzed sufficiently. Therefore it is not verified whether the design method of a cylinder system, which determines the cylinder size from the load force, is theoretically correct.
In this study responses of pneumatic cylinder system driven by a meter-out circuit are analyzed in order to clarify its dynamic characteristics. For the analysis, nondimensional equations are derived from fundamental equations on the cylinder response considering the energy equation and the motion equation including the packing friction. Eight nondimensional parameters deciding the cylinder dynamics are found. Simulation results of nondimensional cylinder step responses are shown changing each nondimensional parameter and relations between the parameter and changes of cylinder responses are explained analytically using block diagram. It is also recognized that parameters excepting nondimensionalized load force have no effect on the time needed to move the piston, so that the cylinder design method is reasonable. Through this study the dynamic characteristics clarified made clear and available knowledge to design a pneumatic system is obtained.

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