Online ISSN : 2185-5293
Print ISSN : 1343-4616
ISSN-L : 1343-4616
孫 宇哲横田 眞一近藤 豊
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 30 巻 4 号 p. 96-102


In this paper, we have proposed a bi-directional oscillatory flow rate measurement by using a drag plate-type drag force flowmeter (DPFM). We have already proposed an unsteady flow rate measurement method by using the drag platetype drag force flowmeter. To clarify the dynamic characteristics between the flow rate and the force on the circular drag plate, and using simplified dynamic mathematical modelling of the DPFM, we could confirmed that real time unsteady flow rate measurement could be realized with sufficient accuracy up to a frequency of 400 Hz which is the resonant frequency of the beam system.
In this study, we have investigated the measuring bi-directional oscillatory flow rate measurements with DPFM. In this report, as a comparing method, we employed the piston cylinder-type flow rate measurement method. In this method, we added a regulating component to the piston cylinder-type and controlled the chamber pressure so as to reduce the measurement error resulting from the internal leakage. Results obtained are as follows. As compared the flow rate of the DPFM with that of the piston cylinder-type, first, the gain and phase characteristics of the DPFM were in good agreement and within ± 0.5dB and ± 5°with the piston cylinder-type over a frequency range of 50 Hz.

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