Online ISSN : 2185-5293
Print ISSN : 1343-4616
ISSN-L : 1343-4616
第3報, 偏心荷重の場合および損失動力にっいて
汪 雄鷹山口 惇
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 31 巻 5 号 p. 132-138


In this paper the load capacity, power losses and stiffness of disk-type hydrostatic thrust bearings including the case of eccentric loading are discussed theoretically. The bearing/seal parts are made up by combining stainless steel/stainless steel and stainless steel/plastics. The main results are as follows :
1) For the elastic materials, the maximum stiffness derived from the minimum film thickness is larger than that of the rigid material at the large ratio of pocket pressure and hydrostatic balance.
2) The stiffness increases with the supply pressure. The power loss due to leakage flow is mainly affected by the supply pressure and that due to frictional torque by eccentric loading.
3) For the case of water, the power loss due to leakage flow is a little larger but that due to frictional torque is much smaller than the case of hydraulic oil. Then, the total power loss is much smaller than that of hydraulic oil.

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