Nippon Teien Gakkaishi
Online ISSN : 2186-0025
Print ISSN : 0919-4592
ISSN-L : 0919-4592
Features of the Spatial Composition and the Landscape in Myojoji Temple Shoin Garden
Takashi AwanoKentaro EnoharaMasato MutoYoichi KuniiTishihisa MorinagaIsoya Shinji
Author information

2020 Volume 2020 Issue 34 Pages 34_1-34_11


Myojoji, which is located in Hakui city, Ishikawa prefecture, is one of the head temples for Nichiren Buddhism in the Hokuriku area. This temple is one of the Maeda clan in Kaga Domain. We tried to make clear the features of the spatial composition and the landscape in Myojoji Temple Shoin Garden by using 3D measurement, direct measurement and an excavation survey. As the result, we led 5 garden compositions. They are (1) frat land, (2) pond, (3) crane stone arrangement, (4) tortoise stone arrangement, (5) inclined plane. In addition, this garden was designed as a crane-and-tortoise garden, and the garden is including the Five-Story Pagoda and Bodhidharma's Hall as the borrowed scenery. In particular, the flat stone, which is put on the center of the east shore of the pond, and Jufukuin’s tomb are positioned as a straight line.

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