Online ISSN : 1884-7560
Print ISSN : 0367-6110
ISSN-L : 0367-6110
髙橋 知之 深谷 友紀子飯本 武志宇仁 康雄加藤 智子孫 思依武田 聖司中居 邦浩中林 亮内田 滋夫田上 恵子平山 誠
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 56 巻 4 号 p. 288-305


For the safety assessment of radioactive waste disposal, many environmental transfer parameters are used in biospheric dose assessment models. To set these parameter values, we generally refer to the database compiled by various organizations such as IAEA, NCRP, and USDOE, etc. Because transparency of the values is an important factor to provide reliable dose assessment results, the task group on parameters used in the models for radioactive waste disposal (FY 2019–2020) was aimed to discuss the current status of these parameters and to clarify future works necessary for dose assessment, especially in Japan. In this group, the following activities were carried out.

1) Trace-back the references of parameter values used in biospheric dose assessment for radioactive waste disposal in the past in Japan to confirm the original data.

2) Survey of newly reported parameter values in Japan and other countries.

3) Discuss on uncertainties of the parameter values and factors that affected the values.

4) Discuss reasonable methodologies to select more appropriate parameter values for specific dose assessments.

We provided herewith the summary report of this task group.

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