Journal of Hard Tissue Biology
Online ISSN : 1880-828X
Print ISSN : 1341-7649
ISSN-L : 1341-7649
Research Note
Histochemical Characteristics of Tertiary Dentin Due to Calcium Hydroxide Paste in Rats
Keita MoriyamaSaeka MatsudaAtsuko MatsudaAkio KidaHidemoto MizushimaErina MitsuiMasahito ShoumuraToshiyuki KawakamiNaoto Osuga
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 26 巻 3 号 p. 285-288


Calcium hydroxide is mainly used for dental pulp capping and it is thought that it induces hard tissue formation far better than other materials. Experimentally verifying this fact, Nishikawa et al revealed that bone-like dentin corresponding to tertiary dentin is rapidly formed when calcium hydroxide is applied directly to the pulp. Utilizing the same experimental system, histochemical study of the newly formed hard tissue (reparative dentin) was carried out and the results thereof were reported. Thick and irregular reparative dentin was formed in the pulp cavity and partial narrowing of the root canal was observed in m-CT. Histopathologically, the irregular reparative dentin increased its thickness obliterating the root canal having a different Azan staining of aniline blue compared to primary dentin. Numerous cellular inclusion bodies were also trapped inside the thick dentin. Furthermore, with Schmorl’s thionine picric acid staining, thick reparative dentin was noted around the pulp cavity and dentin. The dentin was densely stained with picric acid with different staining ability from the surrounding dentin. In addition, it was clearly confirmed that many cells were trapped in reparative dentin. The results of the experiment suggest that the characteristics of the newly formed reparative dentin is comparable to tertiary dentin.

© 2017 by The Hard Tissue Biology Network Association(JHTBNet)
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