Online ISSN : 2186-6767
Print ISSN : 2186-814X
ISSN-L : 2186-6767
第二篇 顳〓骨含氣蜂窩ノ被覆組織及ビ被覆組織ト含氣蜂窩發育状態トノ關係ニ就テ
下田 伯一
ジャーナル フリー

1932 年 38 巻 1 号 p. 1-16


1) I have studied on 30 adult crania of Japanese, in Niigata district, making series of 59 temporal bones with their soft parts, and have investigated about the conditions of the development of pneumatic cells and the clothing tissue of cell-rooms, From the constitution of the fine structure of the stratum epithelium and the fibrillated tissue (endostlayer) in covering tissue of the cell-rooms, I have distinguished the following three types.
I type. mesoplastic clothing tissue.
II type. fibrous-hyperplastic clothing tissue.
III type. hypoplastic clothing tissue.
2) The cases with the mesoplastic clothing tissue.
The surface of the tympanic cavity in the neighbourhood of tympanic opening of the tuba Eustachi is covered with a layer of the cubic epithelium, but the surface of pneumatic cells in tympanic roof, pyramidal apex of petrous bone, perilabyrinth, mastoid, zygomatic root etc, is made of a membrane of endothelial squamous epithelium, and in the lower parts of epithelium lies a soft and moderately thick, vascular, fibrillate tissue.
3) Cases with the fibrous-hyperplastic clothing tissue.
The surface of the tympanic cavity in the neighbourhood of the tyinpanic opening of the tuba Eustachi is covered with a layer of the cylinder epithelium, but the surface of pneumatic cells in pyramidal apex of petrous bone, perilabyrinth, mastoid and zygomatic root, etc. is covered with a menbrane of endothelial squamous epithelium. And the subepithelial endost layer is composed of a very thick and poor-in-blood-vessel, fibrillate tissue.
4) Cases with the hypoplastic clothing tissue.
The surface of the tympanic cavity in the neighbourhood of the tymanic opening of the tuba Eustachi is covered with a stratum of cylinder epithelium. The surface of the pneumatic cells in mastoid region is covered with a membrane of endothelial squamous epithelium, and the subepithelial endost layer is composed of the thin, and poor-in-bloodvessels, fibrillate tissue.
5) From the view of morphology, I should call the clothing tissue of the pneumatic cells in the temporal bones the epithelo-endosteum cellularum with reason, distinguishing from the general mucous of other parts.
6) In cases of full or moderately grown pneumatisation in tympanum-region, their tympanum and pneumatic cells are respctively covered with the mesoplastic clothing tissue without exception. In many cases of under grown and no pneumatisation in tympanum-region, their tympanic walls and pneumatic cells are covered with the fibrous-hyperplastic clothing tissue, with the exception of a few cases of being covered with the hyperplastic clothing one.
7) In cases of full and moderately grown pneumatisation in pyramidal apex, their pneumatic cells are all covered with the mesoplastic tissue without exception. But in cases of under grown pneumatisation in the same region they are covered with the fibrous-hyper-plastic clothing tissue.
8) In every case of fullgrown pneumatisation in perilabyrinth, ita pneumatic cell is covered with the mesoplastic clothing tissue. Among the cases that the tympanum are covered with the mesoplastic clothing tissue, I have not found any one that its perilabyrinth is acompanied by no pneumatisation, In a great many cases in which tympanic wall is covered with fibrous-hyperplastic clothing tissue, and in all the cases in which it is covered with fibrous-hyperplastic clothing tissue, I have found no pneumatisation in perilabyrinth.
9) In all cases of full grown pneumatistion in the mastoid-region, the pneumatic cells are covered with mesoplastic clothing tissue. And when they are moderately grown they are generally covered with mesoplastic or fibrous-hyperplastic clothing tissue, but no tympanic cavities covered with fibrous-hyperplastic or hypoplastic clothing tissue are found acompanied by full grown pneumatisations there.

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