Online ISSN : 1884-4545
Print ISSN : 0032-6313
ISSN-L : 0032-6313
和田 匡史関 聡富樫 孝文大野 雅昭佐藤 邦広高橋 姿
ジャーナル フリー

2007 年 100 巻 9 号 p. 747-751


We report a rare case of first and second branchial arch syndrome with fistula originated from the first pharyngeal pouch. A 10-day-old female was referred to our clinic with a complaint of left microtia with fistula at the mandibular angle. On preoperative examinations, X-ray with angiography flexible wire inserted into the fistula and computed tomography with contrast enhancement of the fistula revealed that the fistula was connected to the middle ear cavity. Fistulectomy was performed at the age of 7. Pathological examinations demonstrated that the fistula consisted of a single layer of cylindrical epithelium, suggesting that it originated from the endoderm. Based on surgical, imaging, and pathological findings, the fistula originated from first pharyngeal pouch. Preoperative X-ray with angiography flexible wire inserted into the fistula and the computed tomography with contrast enhancement of the fistula were useful for planning operation.

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