Online ISSN : 1884-4545
Print ISSN : 0032-6313
ISSN-L : 0032-6313
山崎 勤林 光夫井本 龍彦林奈 美江小崎 秀夫
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 82 巻 4 号 p. 511-521


In 56 patients with senile sensorineural deafness, the degree of bone atrophy was assessed quantitatively by the MD method. Biochemical examinations were made to clarify the details of abnormal bone metabolism.
1) Abnormal bone matabolism is suspected in many patients with senile sensorineural deafness.
2) The serum calcium level is significantly lower and BUN significantly higher in patients with presbyacusis than in normal subjects.
3) A significant positive correlation is noted between hearing level and serum Al-P level in patients with presbyacusis.
After the treatment of 17 patients suspected of having abnormal bone matabolism on the basis of the results of the MD method with an active vitamin D preparation (1α(OH)D3), 1μg/day for six months to three years and one month, hearing improvement was noted in 9 patients in a pure-tone hearing test and/or speach audiometric test. Hearing was decreased in 3 patients whose initial S-BUN level was significantly higher than that of the other patients.

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