Online ISSN : 1884-4545
Print ISSN : 0032-6313
ISSN-L : 0032-6313
北奥 恵之松永 喬北村 薄之安里 亮金子 賢一太田 和博上田 和孝柏木 令子横田 雅子衛藤 幸男秋岡 勝哉山中 泰輝岡 亮畠 史子岡坂 利章岡本 英之鶴田 至宏金田 宏和
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 88 巻 5 号 p. 645-656


Patients with tinnitus were treated with Ternelin® (tizanidine hydrochloride) alone or in combination with Hydergine® (dihydroergotoxine mesylate). The following results were obtained.
1) When overall improvement was assessed at the end of the dosing period, 36% of the 136 patients who received Ternelin and Hydergine® (the combined therapy group) showed moderate or marked improvement, while 61.8% of the patients in this group showed slight, moderate or marked improvement. The combined therapy was rated as moderately or highly useful in 35.3% and slightly to highly useful in 61% of all cases.
2) Of the 24 patients who received Ternelin alone (the solo therapy group), 25% showed moderate or marked improvement, and 66.7% showed slight, moderate or marked improvement. Solo therapy was rated as moderately or highly useful in 25% and slightly to highly useful in 66.7%.
3) of the 153 patients who received combined therapy (including 17 patients who were only included in the safety assessment), 9 developed adverse reactions (3 cases of drowsiness, and one each of orthostatic syncope, hypotonia, dizziness, gastric pain, constipation and oral thirst). None of the patients given Ternelin® alone showed any adverse reactions.
4) The percentage of cases showing marked or moderate improvement was higher in the combined therapy group than in the solo therapy group, although this difference was not significant. In the ombined therapy group, the reduction in tinnitus peaked 2 to 4 weeks afterr the start of treatment. In the solo therapy group, the number of patients responding to the drug increased gradually with time, and more time was needed to obtain maximal effects than that in the combined therapy group.

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