耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊
Online ISSN : 2185-1557
Print ISSN : 0912-1870
ISSN-L : 0912-1870
半田 徹夜陣 紘治平川 勝洋福島 典之工田 昌矢平田 したう
ジャーナル フリー

1999 年 1999 巻 Supplement102 号 p. 113-116


An 88year-old female presented with bacterial meningo-encephalitis secondary to a postoperative pyocele in her left fronto-ethmoidal sinuses.
She was admitted to our hospital because of high fever and unconsciousness. Left exophthalmus and left eyelid swelling also occurred. On examination, her cerebrospinal fluid showed a high cell colunt and CT scanning revealed infections in the left frontal and anterior ethmoidal sinuses. Ten days after her admission, an operation was performed by a transnasal approach for her fronto-ethmoidal pyocele.
The conciousness level of this patient recovered 23 days after operation. But right hemiplegia due to the meningo-encephalitis was recognized. After the sugery, no meningitis has recurred at the time of this report. We also discuss the rhinogenic intracranial complications of this case.

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