Online ISSN : 2435-872X
Print ISSN : 1347-7234
大河内 義浩窪田 紘明吉田 一也中崎 博文Michelangelo Nidasio
ジャーナル フリー

2022 年 61 巻 1 号 p. 125-129


We investigated whether high–quality fine copper wire could be manufactured at a low cost by combining three–roll rolling and die wire drawing. The roundness, surface quality, mechanical properties, and processing cost of fine wires finished from a copper wire rod by three–roll rolling and to the conventional die drawing method were compared. It is more difficult to obtain an exceptionally high quality of fine wires in terms of roundness value and surface quality by only three–roll rolling. However, the rolled wire is self–annealed by processing heat, so there is no need for the intermediate annealing work that is normally performed in the subsequent process on the troublesome task of threading wire to the die, so workability and productivity are improved while manufacturing cost is reduced. These are advantageous points. It was clarified that extremely high–quality copper fine wire can be manufactured at a low cost by first reducing the diameter of the rolled copper wire to 1.8 mm by the three–roll rolling method and then drawing the wire using the die.

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