Online ISSN : 2185-1506
Print ISSN : 0019-2341
ISSN-L : 0019-2341
2分光器法による受光器分光感度測定 (その1)
湊 秀幸南条 基
ジャーナル フリー

1979 年 63 巻 10 号 p. 620-628


A measuring technique of the spectral sensitivity of a detector is described with detailed analyses. This technique consists of the following two steps: The first one is the accurate measurement of the relative spectral transmittance of a double prism monochromator. The second one is the determination of spectral sensitivity with the combination of the monochromator with the known spectral transmittance and the calibrated standard radiance lamp.
The following contents are included;
1. The estimation is made about the effect of the optical path difference between the above two measuring steps when two additive dispersion monochromator are used. This effect can be made negligibly small by selecting proper aperture size.
2. An improved method to approximate the accurate dispersion curve and the effective band width is described. This method can exclude the errors which may be the amount of about 5% in measuring the relative spectral sensitivity.
3. An equation is given to correct the errors in the spectral sensitivity measurement caused by the finite slit width.

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