Online ISSN : 2423-8309
Print ISSN : 2423-8295
ISSN-L : 2423-8295

No.56 稲わらの水蒸気ガス化におけるニッケル触媒の影響(重質油・バイオマス・コプロセッシング(2))
村上 賢治佐藤 仁彦加藤 貴宏菅原 勝康
会議録・要旨集 フリー

p. 110-111


The influence of the nickel catalyst on the hydrogen evolution behavior in the steam gasification up to 900℃ of the rice straw was examined in this study. Hydrogen began to evolve from about 700℃, and the maximum rate of hydrogen evolution was reached at 900℃ for 10min for the rice straw without catalyst. On the other hand, a new peak appeared at around 700℃ for the rice straw with the nickel catalyst. This low temperature peak has grown as the nickel loading increases. Moreover, the amount of hydrogen evolution increased from 30mmol/g for the rice straw without nickel catalyst to 45mmol/g for the rice straw with nickel catalyst more than 5wt%. When the hydrothermal-treated rice straw residue rich in cellulose component was gasified with steam, the hydrogen evolution at low temperature (700℃) was promoted and the amount of hydrogen evolution increased to about 60mmol/g by the addition of nickel catalyst more than 2wt%.

© 2009 一般社団法人 日本エネルギー学会
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