主催: 日本エネルギー学会, 石炭科学部会, コークス工学研究部会, 重質油部会
共催: 日本学術振興会 石炭・炭素資源利用技術第 148 委員会, 化学工学会 エネルギー部会, (公財)北九州観光コンベンション協会, ガス化部会, 燃焼部会, 「エネルギー学」部会
会議名: 第55回石炭科学会議
回次: 55
開催地: 北九州国際会議場
開催日: 2018/10/29 - 2018/10/30
p. 90-93
This paper summarizes molecular models of asphaltene and synthetic model compounds in past studies. Asphaltenes were considered to contain continental-type and/or archipelago-type molecules. The former consists of one large polycyclic aromatic unit with side chains, and the latter have several small polycyclic aromatic units that are connected to each other. In the last decade, researchers have tried to synthesize model compounds of asphaltene. For example, hexabenzocoronene with straight side chains as a model of continental-type molecules, and a nickel porphyrin-derived compound, pyrenederived compounds, and steroid-derived naphthoquinoline compounds as models of archipelago-type molecules. However, the model compounds neither have the same chemical structures as the proposed molecular models, nor show similar aggregation behavior as asphaltene.