Online ISSN : 1880-8018
Print ISSN : 0451-5994
ISSN-L : 0451-5994
北澤 君義
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 70 巻 3 号 p. 97-99


When circular tubes are laterally compressed using a rigid plate, they collapse. Therefore, it is difficult to form tubes with one or more flat faces from circular tubes by lateral compression. To prevent such collapse, which is the cause of poor fitting to dies, the possibility of incremental flattening of 5052 half hard aluminum circular tubes was experimentally examined. The results indicate that no collapse was induced for circular tubes and that the forming of a flat surface on the side of circular tubes by incremental flattening is possible. Following first-path incremental flattening, the tube was rotated by 90° and second-path incremental flattening was carried out. No collapse was induced. The surface obtained after the second-path incremental flattening was also flat, indicating that partially square tubes can be formed. These findings indicate the possibility of small-lot production of various tubes shaped by multipath incremental flattening without collapse.

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