Online ISSN : 1884-4758
Print ISSN : 0388-3051
ISSN-L : 0388-3051
船尾管シール装置の漏れ特性について (第2報)
土居 良規羽場 勉永田 益幸山田 辰彦
ジャーナル フリー

1977 年 12 巻 5 号 p. 359-364


On the pressure fluctuation caused by shaft vibration in chambers between seal rings of the stern tube sealing, which has a direct influence on the sealing performance, we described its causes and countermeasures in the previous report. In these experiments, we found further-more that, if air remains in chambers between seal rings, pressure fluctuation in these chambers remarkably increases under the influence of the air. We made an experimental study to clarify this phenomenon and obtained the following results.
When air remains in chambers between the seal rings, the air and the oil form a mass-spring vibratory system, as elastic-element and inertia-element, respectively.
Because of this, in some conditions, remaining of, air in chambers between seal rings causes resonance phenomenon and pressure fluctuation increases remarkably, compared with oil replete condition. And these phenomena leads to deterioration of sealing performance.

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