Online ISSN : 2433-7501
Print ISSN : 0369-4186
ISSN-L : 0369-4186
合金の凝固の際に起る容積變化に就て(第3報)單一共晶型合金系に關する研究 (III)
高瀬 孝夫
ジャーナル フリー

1938 年 2 巻 10 号 p. 519-528


(1). The mixture rule is applicable for the volume change during solidification of four eutectic alloys of the Pb-Sn, Cd-Zn, Pb-Sb and Sn-Zn systems.
(2). The mixture rule does not apply for the volume change of the Cd-Bi system, that is, the actual volume shrinkage is larger than the calculated value because its specific volume in liquid state is larger than the calculated value.
(3). In the Pb-Sn system, as the mixture rule is applicable for the specific volume in the solid and liquid states, the volume shrinkage is calculated, the values of which agree well with the observed values by the author, but not with the Goodrich's. Regarding this disagreement, the author has given some elucidations.
(4). In the Pb-Sb system, the volume change is also calculated, the values of which Agree well with the Goodrich's result.
(5). Since the mixture rule is applicable for the specific volume of the solid and liquid states of the Cd-Zn system, the volume shrinkage during solidification is calculated.
This alloy system is so volatile and has large solidification interval that observation of the volume shrinkage by Honda's thereto balance is difficult.
(6). It is proposed that relation curves between the volume changes during solidification and compositions in the simple eutectic alloy systems may be divided into four types.

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