Transactions of Navigation
Online ISSN : 2189-5511
ISSN-L : 2189-5511
Application of Mission Function Control to Berthing Problem
Kentaroh KOKUBUN
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 8 巻 2 号 p. 57-62


Various studies have proposed different approaches for the automatic berthing system of ships. However, these studies have not achieved a well-balanced trade-off relationship between the accuracy and real-time performance in berthing control. Thus, in this paper, the author proposes a mission function control algorithm based on Lyapunov’s stability theory in aerospace engineering to overcome the berthing problem caused by the nonlinearity of ship manoeuvring motion. The berthing problem is divided into two phases: heading control and surge speed control. This division simplifies the motion and makes it more comprehensible to humans by copying the real manoeuvring action made by humans. The control law derived from the mission function control algorithm includes nonlinear feedback terms since the equation of surge motion is nonlinear. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the mission function control algorithm in addressing the berthing problem.


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