Online ISSN : 1884-2070
Print ISSN : 0514-8499
ISSN-L : 0514-8499
浮遊型海洋構造物の方向スペクトル波中実験に基く方向周波数応答関数推定 (その2)
竹沢 誠二平山 次清上野 誠也陳 剛
ジャーナル フリー

1991 年 1991 巻 169 号 p. 177-185


Estimation of directional frequency transfer functions of floating offshore structures is important to estimate their behaviours in realistic short crested irregular waves (such waves are called as directional spectrum waves)
Of course, there are some theoretical calculation methods for such directional response functions, but it seems that there are not so many experimental results confirming such theoretical ones. For that purpose, square basins are needed.
In the first report, the authors showed the method of inverse estimation of directional transfer functions of a floating offshore structure only using results of a few experiments in directional spectrum waves in a long towing tank.
In this paper, this method is improved for the estimation of wide range of directional response fuctions. The precisions of estimated directional frequency response functions are confirmed by experiments.

© 日本船舶海洋工学会
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