Online ISSN : 1884-2070
Print ISSN : 0514-8499
ISSN-L : 0514-8499
(第3報) FCB板継溶接時の幅収縮に及ぼすTMCP鋼板の残留応力の影響
谷徳 孝小林 克壮大江 憲一宮崎 建雄中園 博宗像 真一野本 敏治武市 祥司
ジャーナル フリー

2002 年 2002 巻 192 号 p. 619-627


A new TMCP steel plate, called as“Residual stress controlled TMCP steel plate”, was developed for use in fabricating the cargo tank and hull structure, which was expected to build accurately ship blocks and to increase productivity through mechanization/automation effectively. In the previous reports, the effects of residual stress of TMCP steel plate were discussed in slit-slot cutting, in stiffener welding and in inserting transverse panel into skin panel.
In this report, using thermal-elastic-plastic FEM and experiments in fabricating non-curved blocks, the effectiveness of residual stress of TMCP steel plate is quantitatively discussed in FCB butt-welding. The results of this paper are as follows.
(1) Residual stress of TMCP steel plate has great influence on the transverse shrinkage in the weld end part rather than that in the weld start and in the longitudinal middle.
(2) Residual stress of TMCP steel plate affects especially the rotational distortion of the weld end part.
(3) In the FCB butt-welding of VLCC skin plates made of“Residual stress controlled TMCP steel plate”, the deviation of transverse shrinkage is smaller than that made of conventional TMCP steel plate.
(4) It is expected that the productivity and working accuracy in fabricating ship blocks can be increased by using residual stress controlled TMCP steel plate.

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