Online ISSN : 1883-423X
Print ISSN : 1345-1464
ISSN-L : 1345-1464
服薬期間中における質問自動送信型服薬フォローアップ アプリケーションの使用実態に関する研究
富永 佳子沖﨑 歩鈴木 雅基杉本 修康多田 耕三工藤 知也篠原 久仁子
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 25 巻 3 号 p. 143-149


Objective: Continuous medication management is demanded from community pharmacists, including mandatory follow-ups (FUs) during the medication period. To improve their efficiency and quality, a software application (app) is being introduced. We investigated the use of the app for FUs by comparing it to the use of phone calls.

Design: This was a retrospective studythat collected FU records from participating pharmacies.

Methods: FU records of an automated question-and-answer post-dispensing app and phone calls made at 10 pharmacies in June-July 2021 were collected. Differences in the work time and contents of each FU tool were evaluated.

Results: Of the 138 eligible cases, 69 (50.0%) used the app and 62 (44.93%) used phones. There was 1 case of FU interruption using the app and 12 for those using phone calls. Preparation time to initiate FU was shorter using the app than phone calls (0.28 ± 0.96 min vs. 5.06 ± 5.44 min). Moreover, there were more cases of pharmaceutical problems identified using the app than phone calls (69.57% vs. 35.48%).

Conclusion: The FU app maybe a more efficient tool for identifying problems than phone calls. Further studies are needed to optimize the tool according to patient characteristics.

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