Online ISSN : 2433-765X
Print ISSN : 0915-4752
共働き家庭の夫の父親アイデンティティと子育て参加 ―仕事に対する認識と性別役割意識を媒介とするモデルの検証―
佐々木 卓代
ジャーナル フリー

2012 年 31 巻 p. 63-76


  This study examines how fathers’ gender ideology influences their perceptions of their work and in turn, how those perceptions influence how they view as paternal identity their paternal role and value to their children. Recently in Japan, there have appeared many social problems such as economic depression, the widening of earner gaps, the aging population and declining birthrate. As a result, dual-earner households have been increasing, necessitating more involvement by these husbands with their children. However, the amount of fathers’ involvement in child rearing has declined over the past few years. Therefore, using web surveys, specifically targeting two groups of husbands from dual-earner families with preschool-aged children and those with school-aged children, I examine how the fathers’ perceptions of their work affected by gender ideology influence their paternal identity in such a way as is likely to promote paternal involvement with their children. The results of this study are as follows. Within the two groups, the fathers’ perceptions of their paternal identity are positively associated with their work satisfaction and negatively associated with their desire to succeed at work. Their perception of gender differentiation is positively associated with their perception of the importance of their work and their work satisfaction. Moreover, in the group of fathers of pre-schoolers, their perception of paternal identity and value to children is positively associated with involvement with their children, while in the other group, only their paternal role is similarly associated. However, in both groups, their perception of gender differentiation is negatively associated with involvement with their children. As a result, fathers’ satisfaction toward their work enhances their paternal identity in the both groups, whereas their desire to succeed at work reduces it. It is concluded that a positive perception toward paternal identity promotes their child care involvement.

© 2012 一般社団法人 日本家政学会家族関係学部会
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