Japanese Journal of Ichthyology
Online ISSN : 1884-7374
Print ISSN : 0021-5090
ISSN-L : 0021-5090
Development of Eggs and Larvae in the Angelfish, Centropyge ferrugatus
Syozo HiokiKatsumi SuzukiYoichi Tanaka
Author information

1990 Volume 37 Issue 1 Pages 34-38

Reproduction of Centropyge ferrugatus was observed in the aquarium. Reproduction between the same parent fish was observed on at least 16 occasions during the period from April 26 to May 16, 1987. The fertilized eggs were spherical, pelagic and measured 0.67-0.70mm in diameter. Hatching took place from 16 hours 10 minutes after fertilization at 25.0-26.0°C. Newly hatched larvae, measuring 1.28-1.30mm in total length, had a large ellipsoid yolk sac whose front tip clearly protruded beyond the snout of the larva. The larvae were maintained for five days after hatching and about ten of them reached the post-larval stage, measuring 2.43-2.50mm in total length. Larval characteristics are reviewed and a brief comparison is made with other studies of angelfish.
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