Online ISSN : 1882-1499
Print ISSN : 1346-342X
ISSN-L : 1346-342X
佐藤 由美子諸角 一成川上 隼人鈴木 雅和長谷川 雄哉岡田 千華脇田 充史山田 浩一
ジャーナル フリー

2015 年 41 巻 7 号 p. 471-479


To provide safe outpatient chemotherapy, collaboration between community and hospital pharmacists is essential. However, through the lack of exchanging patient's information including regimen, insufficiency of the support provided to outpatient chemotherapy patients by community pharmacists was concern. Therefore, we developed a seminar with physicians, nurses, pharmacists working in our hospital and community pharmacists. Based on the results of the discussion of the seminar, we distributed chemotherapy labels and regimen worksheets to provide information for community pharmacists. We conducted a survey to clarify the efficacy of chemotherapy labels and regimen worksheets by collecting data from pharmaceutical management records of community pharmacies between January 2014 and August 2014. Fifty-five patients' pharmaceutical management records were assessed. Understanding about the presence or absence of chemotherapy administration before and after the distribution of chemotherapy labels was 58.2% and 100%, respectively. Before the distribution of chemotherapy labels, there was no understanding about the chemotherapy regimen and use of the regimen worksheet, but after the distribution of chemotherapy labels, they were 100% and 92.7%, respectively. Furthermore, the rates of patient instructions on the side effects of chemotherapy before and after the distribution of chemotherapy labels were 27.3% and 54.5%, respectively. All these differences were significant. After the distribution of chemotherapy labels, the number of patient instructions on the side effects of chemotherapy increased and the contents were more specific and effective. These results suggest that the use of chemotherapy labels and regimen worksheets are highly effective to provide information for community pharmacists and improve the support provided to outpatient chemotherapy patients by community pharmacies.

© 2015 日本医療薬学会
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