Online ISSN : 1883-177X
Print ISSN : 0389-5386
ISSN-L : 0389-5386
吉川 洋史
ジャーナル フリー

2000 年 44 巻 2 号 p. 284-291


It is very interesting to determine whether disturbance of mastication following occlusal dysfunction has an effect on mental stress. Therefore, an experimental occlusal interference was attached, and the effect on dopamine release from the rat prefrontal cortex was examined.
The extracellular fluid dopamine volume of the prefrontal cortex was measured by the brain microdialysis method.
1. Though experimental occlusal interference during nonfunctional periods was intraoral, it. was found that the metabolism of the prefrontal cortex dopamine did not change.
2. Experimental occlusal interference during functional periods, that is, feeding periods with cubed food under occlusal interference increased the prefrontal cortex dopamine volume. It was clarified that experimental occlusal interference strongly impacts the affect of the rat by changing the metabolism of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex.
3. Cubed food and powdered food increased the prefrontal cortex dopamine volume in the same way. It was found that there was no difference in transition of the increase in the prefrontal cortex dopamine volume from the difference in the texture of the food.
Experimental occlusal interference related to feeding behavior affected dopamine metabolism in the rat prefrontal cortex, and it was clarified that a strong stress reaction was induced by experimental occlusal interference.

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