The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Online ISSN : 1881-8560
Print ISSN : 1881-3526
ISSN-L : 1881-3526
Rehabilitation Treatment for a Patient with Fat Embolism Syndrome after Extensive Excision of Thigh Tumor and Artificial Femoral Replacement:A Case Report
Yudai FujimotoTakaaki TanakaToru WakamatsuNao HashidaYurika KosugaNorifumi Naka
Author information

2021 Volume 58 Issue 3 Pages 333-338


Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is a serious complication of orthopedic surgery. We describe a woman in her 30s, who experienced cerebral FES after extensive femoral tumor resection and intercalary endoprosthesis for a malignant soft tissue tumor of the thigh. Before the surgery, the patient was able to walk with a single axillary crutch, capable of independent self-care and had no cognitive problems. After the surgery, the patient developed respiratory and central nervous system symptoms, which are characteristic of FES. After critical care, we provided rehabilitation treatment, which included getting out of bed, basic motion training, cognitive rehabilitation treatment, and Activity of Daily Living (ADL) training. At the time of commencement of the rehabilitation treatment, the patient presented with higher brain dysfunctions, such as cognitive dysfunction (Mini Mental State Examination:MMSE score 21 points), attentional dysfunction and left unilateral spatial neglect (USN). However, apparent motor paralysis of the extremities was not detected. On the 95th day after the surgery, the patient's MMSE score was 29 points, and the attentional dysfunction and USN were resolved. Additionally, the patient was again able to walk with axillary crutch. Six months after the surgery, the patient could walk independently without the aid of a crutch. One year after the surgery, the patient's reinstated to work. Cerebral FES may be accompanied with higher brain dysfunction;present a variety of higher brain dysfunctions;however, the symptoms may be reversible and resolved with rehabilitation treatment.

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© 2021 The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

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