Online ISSN : 2185-9434
Print ISSN : 0546-1367
ISSN-L : 0546-1367
鈴木 紘
ジャーナル フリー

1979 年 28 巻 3 号 p. 54-60,73


Experimental Method
1. 33 patients suffering from obesity and desiring to try Auriculotherapy were the subjects for this experiment.
2. The treatment points were as follows: the stomach point, the mouth point, the cardiac point, the esophagus point, and the inanition point. In the stomach point, a living needle was inserted and fixed.
3. The frequency of treatment was once or twice a week.
Experimental Results
1. 14 of the patients (42 per cent) showed loss in weight. Those showing no change in weight were 19 (58 per cent).
2. The length of the experiment was from one to three months. The largest group of patients showing weight reduction lost from 2kg to 3kg. The most lost by any patient was 10kg. In one case, however, a patient gained 2kg.
For weight reduction of obese patients, the results of this experiment cannot be considered positive. However, much benefit to problems directly relating to obesity, for instance, hypertension and arthritis, was derived. The effect of the treatment was connected closely with the individual physical constitution of each patient. It cannot be said, certainly, that every patient benefited from the treatment. This treatment is not for cosmetic or beauty purposes, but is effective for maintaining health and protecting against illness.

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