Online ISSN : 2185-9434
Print ISSN : 0546-1367
ISSN-L : 0546-1367
シンポジウム 鍼灸における証について
森 和
ジャーナル フリー

1981 年 30 巻 3 号 p. 177-203


The Oriental Medicine observation of phenomena is performed using the 4 diafinostic techniques: observing, listening, questioning and touching.
The diagnostic information sources can be divided into two processes the first, diagnosis through questioning which draws upon the patient's own memory, and the second, diagnosis through the five senses of the therapist (sight, hearing touch). The segmented bits of information obtained are strongly related with each other and as a result are dealt with as a whole, the organic meridian diagnostic catgories are established and are directly related to theotablished and are directly related to therapy.
The patient's symptoms are diagnosed using the previously mentioned diagnostic methods, the appropriate therapeutic method for the condition that is, the SHO is determined and thearpy administered. At the same time, dynamically observing the process of treatment, correcting the differences in the original treatment methods and the patients actual state of cure, the pathological disorder reaction is corrected. In this manner, from the standpoint of being able to concretel yunderstand the patient's condition, the SHO also becomes a direct tie to the treatment method. From the structure of diagnostic categories then, it it can be said that the SHO is a diagnostic-therapeutic system.
How to arrange the biological information obtained through observation of phenomena met in the clinic to reach the proper diagnostic categories is a problem of dealing with information in a multidimensional information space. For the structural analysis of SHO, including meridians, acupoints, etc. and the various concepts of Orienental medicine, to numeralize the groups which filtered through the filter of multidimensional information, it is desirable to adopt the analytical methods of the large scale computer.
Thus focusing mainly on diagnostic theories such as the practical role of SHO in acupuncture-moxibustion medicine and how to establish SHO by collecting and dealing with a density of physical information, interesting clinical results were obtained.

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