Print ISSN : 1346-4930
ISSN-L : 1346-4930
論 文
南川 久人藤原 海栗本 遼安田 孝宏原田 英美子畑 直樹
ジャーナル フリー

2016 年 16 巻 1 号 p. 77-83


   Effects of microbubbles on germination and growth in deep flow technique of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) were investigated. In the germination experiment, four experiment plots; (1) underwater germination with microbubble water plot (MB plot), (2) underwater germination with aerated water plot (Aeration plot), (3) underwater germination with water plot (Water plot), (4) germination on wet cotton plot (Control plot), were used. Two hundred individuals were germinated for each plot. Germination rate of MB plot after 7 days was about twice as high as that of Aeration plot and Control plot. In the growth experiment, three experiment plots; (1) tenth solution concentration water with microbubble plot (MB plot), (2) tenth solution concentration water plot (Aeration plot), (3) full solution concentration water plot (Control plot), were used. Twelve individuals were grown for each plot. Leaves weight of MB plot was as much as that of Control plot. In contrast, plant physiological disorders appeared in all plants of Aeration plot. Multi-element determination revealed that K concentration of Aeration plot was lower than that of the others plots. These results indicate that microbubbles contribute to the plants absorbing the nutrient from roots.

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