Online ISSN : 2433-0531
ISSN-L : 2433-0531
Dynamic Multi-Sector Energy Economic Analysis to Identify Potential of Nuclear and Renewable Energy Options in Expanding Electricity Sector of Developing Countries: Bangladesh Case Study
Jubair Sieed Ryoichi KomiyamaYasumasa Fujii
ジャーナル フリー

2021 年 42 巻 5 号 p. 295-304


Energy and electricity are very important for continuous growth and development, especially for fast-growing regions of the world. However, with the expansion of energy and electricity sector, the concern of environmental protection also arises. The cheaper electricity generation technologies from traditional fossil fuels involve huge emission of carbon which could easily jeopardize the global plan for climate action. In this study, we utilize the Dynamic Multi-Sector Energy Economic Model (DMSEE) to obtain long-term electricity sector expansion using traditional fuels and modern carbon-free nuclear and renewable energy options. The uniqueness of this model is the incorporation of economic interrelationships among top-down economic sectors and technological constraints of the bottom-up electricity sub-sectors simultaneously. To investigate the techno-economic shifts over time, we applied the model to one of the developing regions of the world, Bangladesh. The country is experiencing double digit growth in the electricity sector due to large-scale activities in the industry and service sectors. Carbon-emission limits of 25% and 50% with respect to projected growth have been considered to obtain potential scope of nuclear and renewable energy options considering technical and economic limitations simultaneously. The results of the analysis provide significant policy implications on the electricity generation mix under different circumstances.

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