Print ISSN : 0367-5866
大野 健太郎下薗 晋一郎沢田 陽佑大津 政康
ジャーナル フリー

2008 年 57 巻 11 号 p. 531-536


Acoustic emission (AE) techniques have been applied to crack detection and damage evaluation. Source kinematics of crack location, crack type and orientation can be quantitatively identified by the SiGMA (Simplified Green,s functions for moment tensor analysis) procedure. Until now, the determination of the arrival time and amplitude of the first motion has been carried out by hand-picking. In order to process a large number of AE waveforms readily, the determination of the first motion has been in great demand. In this study, an AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) picker is developed and applied to determine the arrival time of detected AE waveforms. In four-point bending tests of reinforced concrete beams, the results of AE sources located by a threshold level and by AIC picker are compared and discussed. Thus, the applicability of automatic arrival time detection based on an AIC picker is confirmed. Furthermore, the results of SiGMA analysis of by hand-picking and by AIC picker are also compared and discussed.

© 2008 (社)日本非破壊検査協会