Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons
Online ISSN : 2187-4247
Print ISSN : 0288-609X
ISSN-L : 0288-609X
Total Correction of Double Outlet Right Ventricle {S. D. L.} with Subpulmonic VSD : A Case Report
Yuhei GotoYasuaki NaitoKeiichi FujiwaraShinichi HigashiueYusaku TakagakiMitsuaki OkamotoHiroyoshi SekiiShigehiko YoshidaHiroyuki NegoroShigeru Uemura
Author information

1992 Volume 28 Issue 4 Pages 907-913


A 4-month-old girl with a rare type of double outlet right ventricle (DORV) {situs solitus, D-loop, L-transposition ; S. D. L.} associated with subpulmonic ventricular septal defect (VSD), single coronary arterey, patent ductus arteriosus, left juxtaposition of the atrial appendages and right aortic arch underwent urgent corrective surgery due to sever heart failure. Total correction was as follows. Intraventricular rerouting from the enlarged VSD to the aorta was performed using a Dacron patch. The right ventricular outflow tract was narrowed by this intraventricular tunnel, so an additional right ventricular outflow tract was reconstructed utilizing with an external conduit containing the pericardial bicuspid valves to avoid injury of the right coronary artery across the right ventricular outflow. Postoperative hemodynamics were satisfactory and stable, but she died suddenly of hypoxia on the 2nd postoperative day. The procedure reported on here may be an alternative for correction of this anomaly in an infant. The operative measures for DORV {S. D. L.} were reviewed and discussed.

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© 1992 The Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons

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