Online ISSN : 1884-2372
Print ISSN : 0386-9717
Laurell 法による第XII因子抗原の定量法
高宮 脩吉岡 慶一郎阪田 光彦吉川 巖
ジャーナル フリー

1980 年 11 巻 1 号 p. 26-29


By employing Laurell's method, a sensitive and reproducible antigen assay for human Factor XII was carried out with purified Factor XII and monospecific rabbit anti-body.
It was noted that TAIYO-ID-1 agarose was most suitable material in the procedure.
Precise measurements of Factor XII were possible for concentrations as low as 3% of that in normal pooled plasma. A good correlation (correlation coefficient=0.82) existed between the titers of Factor XII measured by clotting activity and antigen assay among 40 normal adults. Factor XII antigens were absent in patients with congenital Factor XII deficiency, but other congenital deficient plasmas, including those of patients with hemoplilia A and B, Factor XI or Factor VII deficiency, von Willebrand disease and hereditary angioneurotic edema (C-1; inactivator deficiency), contained normal amount of Factor XII antigen. Both clotting activity and antigen of Factor XII were reduced in the plasmas of patients with liver cirrhosis or those of half cases with disseminated intravascular coagulation. They were in normal ranges in those of patients treated with Warfarin. Factor XII antigen was normal in spite of reduced clotting activity in the plasmas of patients suffered from SLE.

© 日本血栓止血学会
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