Online ISSN : 1884-2372
Print ISSN : 0386-9717
糖尿病患者における elastase の脂質代謝および血小板・血液凝固機能に及ぼす影響
古井 宏彦鵜飼 雅彦上原 晋稲垣 春夫谷口 直樹小出 正文横田 充弘山内 一信林 博史外畑 巌斉藤 英彦
ジャーナル フリー

1985 年 16 巻 5 号 p. 520-523


The effects of elastase on lipid metabolism, platelet function, and blood coagulability were evaluated in 18 patients with diabetes mellitus. Blood sampling was made before medication, and after oral administration of 10800 units of elastase per day 8 and 16 weeks. Measurements were made for platelet counts, platelet sensitivity to ADP-aggregation, serum concentrations of total cholesterol·HDL-cholesterol·triglyceride and plasma concentrations of, β-thromboglobulin (β-TG)·fibrinogen (Fbg)·antithrombin III (AT III).
After the administration of elastase, HDL-cholesterol increased (0W: 45.6±10.3mg/dl; 8W: 49.2±10.1mg/dl, p<0.001; 16W: 52.2±10.6mg/dl, p<0.001), and triglyceride decreased (0W: 150.3±51.4mg/dl, 8W: 127.3±45.0mg/dl, p<0.05; 16W: 128.1±46.8mg/dl, p<0.05); however, no significant change was observed in total cholesterol. Platelet counts elevated and β-TG decreased after the medication (0W: 122.0±69.1ng/ml; 8W: 94.5±63.4ng/ml, p<0.01; 16W: 81.7±58.6ng/ml, p<0.001); however, platelet sensitivity to ADP-aggregation remained unchanged. Although both Fbg and AT III increased, the degree of increase in AT III (0W: 25.5±4.1mg/dl; 8W: 31.3±5.5mg/dl, p<0.001; 16W: 32.3±4.5mg/dl, p<0.001) seemed to be greater than that in Fbg (0W: 415.7±77.9mg/dl; 8W: 468.6±99.6mg/dl, p<0.01; 16W: 468.5±109.4mg/dl, p<0.05).
In conclusion, elastase improved lipid metabolism, suppressed platelet release reaction and increased AT III level. Therefore, it is suggested that elastase will be one of the useful drugs for protection of vascular complications in diabetes mellitus.

© 日本血栓止血学会
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