Online ISSN : 2758-206X
Print ISSN : 1347-1309
中野 貴博春日 晃章村瀬 智彦
ジャーナル フリー

2010 年 10 巻 p. 41-49


The purpose of this study was to examine the fluctuation in the ability to manage lifestyle in childhood using the item response theory. The subjects of this study were 2373 children who went to public primary school. The analysis items were 35 items, each related to lifestyle areas of food intake, exercise, rest (sleeping and awakening), and hygiene and safety. We applied a 2-parameter graded model and calculated the item difficulty and discrimination. Further, the ability value of each subject according to the lifestyle domain was calculated. We analyzed the fluctuation in the ability value on each lifestyle domain. As a result of the analysis, we obtained the following three suggestions. 1) Hygiene and rest habits are easy to deteriorate in childhood—consistent education is essential throughout childhood. 2) The boys have to be re-educated about food intake and safety habits in the upper grades of elementary school. 3) With respect to girls, the greatest problems in the lifestyle are those regarding their exercise habits. A drastic effort at improving their exercise habits is necessary. An effective suggestion to improve the lifestyle was obtained by examining the fluctuation in the ability to manage lifestyle during childhood using the item response theory.

© 2010 日本体育測定評価学会
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