論文ID: jjtehpe.HPM202306
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Japanese women, with approximately 90,000 new diagnoses reported in 2017. Physical activity and obesity prevention have been reported to be effective in preventing breast cancer recurrence in Europe and the United States. However, there are no studies in Japan that have simultaneously evaluated physical activity and dietary intake using validated methods in patients with breast cancer. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate physical activity and dietary intake among Japanese breast cancer survivors. This cross-sectional study recruited patients with breast cancer from St. Luke’s International Hospital and measured their current physical activity and dietary intake using an accelerometer and validated questionnaire, respectively. All values for descriptive statistics were expressed as mean ± standard deviation or percent. We collected data from 271 patients. All patients underwent breast surgery and the average body mass index at recruitment was 21.7 ± 3.4 kg/m2. Mean moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and dietary intake was 462 ± 185 minutes per week and 1655 ± 474 kcal per day, respectively. The results suggest that the amount of physical activity and dietary intake of patients with breast cancer is comparable to that of healthy Japanese women. However, caution is required when generalizing the results because of sampling bias.